Saturday, 28 January 2017



Have you ever wondered how diagnosis was made in ancient times, when there were no X-ray, scan machines, MRI etc…?
There are eight methods of investigation thru which diagnosis is determine, these are
1.     Pulse 
2.     Urine
3.     Stool
4.     Tongue
5.     Speech
6.     Touch
7.     Eye
8.     Observation of Body

Out of these eight, diagnostic methods, special attention is given to the Examination of Urine, (Neerkuri Sastram). Neer is urine and Kuri is signs. The Urine analysis in this system is intended to find the predominance of the Tri-Doshas and also the prognosis. 
The mention of urination may make you feel uncomfortable, but you will agree with me after reading this entire article that there are important information you can know from your urine.

Saint Theraiyar, was one of the authors of Siddha medicine who wrote on urine examination (The Sastra of Urine Analysis) and stages of health. He explains on the colour and consistency of the urine in different doshas and disease. He also
says that careful observation of a drop of oil spreading on the surface of the urine indicates imbalance of specific dosha and prognosis of disease, which is still used by Siddha Vaithiyars (physicians).

How was diagnosis conducted ?

It is interesting to note that the colour, smell, probing of urine, guides the physician to the Doshas  and the state of health.

1.     Colour of the Urine

a)     Opaque or milky indicates – Vatha
b)    Slightly yellowish red – Pitha
c)     Deep yellowish red – Jaundiced
d)    Frothy urine – Kapha
e)     Deep red like Ruby – is a dangerous sign/critical
f)      White as milk – difficult to heal or serious state of health
g)     Honey colour – the disease can be cured with some delay.
h)    Straw or yellow colour – disease will be cured
i)       Like Rice washed rice colour – Indigestion
j)       Appears smoky/cloudy, excessive urination  – acute fever
k)     Smoky, watery and hot – Vata-Patta Fevers (suram)
l)       Whitish with bubbles – Vata-Kabam Fevers (suram)
m)  Yellowish/Red – Chronic Fever

2.     Smell of Urine

n)    Urine with foul odour indicates presence of toxin the in the system, normal urine has uremic smell.
o)    Sweet smelling urine indicates the possibility for diabetes
p)    Pungent smell indicates ulcer in the bladder.
q)    Acidic smell indicates excessive heat which may lead to coldness in limbs.
r)       Smell of raw meat indicates possibility of disease of muscle or adipose tissue.

         3) Others

s) Droplets of fats - Rheumatoid arthritis (mudakkuvatham)
t) Gravel in the urine sample indicates possibility for stones in the
    urinary tract
u) Scanty urine indicates water retention in the body
v) Tea, coffee and alcohol are the substance stimulate urination and
     aggravates pitta.
q) Dripping or continuous flow – Bladder is affected by impact (Varmam)
r) Hot or painful – infection of the bladder
s) Direction of its flow
·        Left side – indicated that impact (Varmam) has occurred on right side
·        Right side – denotes that impact (Varmam) has occurred on the left side.

4) Test and careful observations

Am sure, you will be wondering how is was done. The process is very simple, and requires no sophisticated equipment or a laboratory.

Urine collected at about 5 am from midstream is put into a china or glass bowl or cup and after ascertaining that the urine is stable and devoid of wave or ripples, one drop of Gingelly oil (sesame) is dropped form a very low height over the surface of urine without disturbing or touching the surface and left for a few minutes.   The pattern, spread time, direction, spilt time, area covered and the distribution of the oil drop on the urine are then considered to determine the diagnosis and prognostic feature.

If the shape of the oil dropped is
a)     Elongated of the spot or takes the shape of snake, it indicates Vatha illness
b)    If it spreads on all directions or takes the shape of umbrella or has rainbow colours, it indicates Pitha illness
c)     Looks like spray or takes the shape of spray or pearl, it indicates Kapha illness
d)    If oil spreads quickly over the surface of urine the disease can be cured
e)     If oil remains or if it does not spread, it is considered difficult to treat
f)      If the oil sinks to the bottom of the vessel it is incurable

And the list goes on. The examination of the urine constitutes a distinct branch by itself and the science of the examination of the urine (Neerkuri Sastram) is of great interest.

Hope you enjoyed reading this article and remember to share it with your friends.. …. Keep in touch,  Will write on the other diagnosis methods in my future articles.

Obervation of urine diagnosis

Without any pattern – healthy person
Reddish yellow tinged urine of  Hepatitis A – with demon or tiger shaped pattern  - curable disease 

Sieve shape of oil - (Rheumatoid arthritis) 

Viral fever with the oil spread pattern in the shape of snake – Vatha - curable disease 
Bubbles shape of oil spread – Viral fever – curable disease 

Ring shape oil spread - from Pandu (Anemia)  - curable diseases

Mukta (pearls) shape of oil spread - curable
Disease – Kapha - (Productive cough)

Owl bird shape of oil spread  Madhumeha

Photos: Courtesy of  AYU (An International Quarterly Journal of Research in Ayurveda)

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