Monday, 9 January 2017




English Name:             Barmuda grass

Botanical Name:         Cynodon Dactylon

Tamil Name:               Arugampool

Properities:                 Emollient, Astringent, Diuretic, Styptic

Thin, long leaves with straight stems. This grass, cannot be destroyed easily, has deep roots and if you cut it grows again. It found everywhere (do not confuse this with carpet grass). Arugampool is the herb of Hindu Lord Ganapathi. In southern India it is regarded as a holy herb along with (Vembu) Neem, (Thulasi) Basil and Bael (Vilvam).

Arugampool can be taken both orally or for external applications. According to Siddha Vaidya system, it has abundance of medicinal properties, namely for phlegm, to stop bleeding, increase urine output, dysentery, skin diseases, urinary tract infection, blood disorders, reduces the pitta in the body, burning sensation of the body, excessive thirst. Arugampool’s anti-microbial and antiviral properties, makes it boon when it comes to detoxification.

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