To start with, have selected five simple remedies (using two
or three ingredients) which can be prepared easily in your homes. Will touch on
various common herbs and spices, available in Singapore, in my future articles,
I believe this will benefit all.
Should your conditions persist, please consult a doctor.
1. Body Weakness, Tiredness & Lethargy
teaspoon pure Arugampool powder
amount of butter (vennai)
Mix pure Arugampool
powder with equal amount of butter
(vennai). Take ½ teaspoon, twice before breakfast and dinner for a period of 20
to 40 days.
2. Dryness of body, Urinary Tract
Infection & Burning sensation of body
gms - Pure Arugampool powder
gms - Pure Kila Nelli Powder (Phyllanthus Amarus/Indian Phyllanthus)
ml Plain Yogurt – freshly made
Mix both Pure Arugampool powder and Pure Kila Nelli Powder then add in
Plain Yogurt and stir well. To be taken in the morning before food, till you
find relief.
5 gms - Pure Arugampul powder
60 - 100 ml – Milk
Shake vigorously Pure Arugampool powder with milk. Best taken 2 times a
day before food.
4. Allergy
& Urticaria
2 Handful of Raw Arugampul (Stems removed)
9 Black pepper
2 betel leaves
Boil two handful of Arugampul
with 9 black peppers and 2 betel leaves in 3 cups of water till it evaporates
to 1 cup. To be taken 2 times daily on an empty stomach. This will help to
nullify the allergen. This can be repeated daily from 3 to 5 days. Avoid sugar,
spicy and fried food. Increase intake of plain water.
5. Itch due to Mosquito or Insect
Handful of Raw Arugampul
½ teaspoon of Pure Tumeric Powder
3 black pepper
Ground Arugampul
and pepper into a smooth paste and add turmeric power and apply the paste over
the effected till itch stops or swelling subsides. Can leave it on from 2 to 3
hours. Best done twice daily.
Thank you for reading our tips and we hope you come back for more information and tips!
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